An Interview by the Hartford Business Journal

The Ultimat Vodka Floor Display

Ardent Displays has been getting a lot of press lately for a few design awards we won out in Salt Lake City at the AICC Conference. We were featured in The Hartford Business Journal, The Springfield Republican, The Journal Inquirer, and other Northeastern publications. In order to figure out Ardent’s secret to success, reporters interviewed Ardent’s founder and president, Donald Budnick. Below I’m sharing a few of the interview “bloopers” with you– these comments didn’t get published, but I think they provide as much insight into the success of Ardent as any other response could.

Blooper 1:

Interviewer: To what do you attribute your success?

Donald Budnick: Good lighting and charm.

Blooper 2:

Interviewer: Describe the importance you place on taking care of your employees.

Donald Budnick: … Where we previously had departmental offices, we now use an open floor plan to encourage inter-departmental collaboration… Some of the more entertaining aspects of the open plan are when stuffed animals start flying across the office, or employees are caught belting out oldies.

Stay tuned for video coverage of stuffed animal wars.


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